Monday, March 23, 2015


These days just fly by.  I can't believe February is long gone and we are almost done with March.  (So much for my monthly blogging.)  So often I find myself wishing that I could slow down the passage of time.  I feel an ache knowing that my littles won't stay little long and the thought of never being able to hold two-year-old Lucy again sometimes leaves a lump in my throat.(Usually this reflection comes in the quiet hours of the evening after I've had some time to de-stress). I'm grateful that God in his wisdom has made time as it is since I'm sure I wouldn't be able to endure my wish.  These days are as difficult as they are wonderful.  Relentless.  That's the word for it. Oppressively constant.  It's not easy and, honestly, I break down on a semi-regular basis under the weight of it all. But I am so glad to be in the position to be at home with them all day, every day.

As a child I'm sure I would have given anything to know what "oppressively constant" felt like.  I am very much living my dream in that sense, attempting to give to my kids what was missing most in my childhood.  I'm sure they will need to be in therapy for all sorts of other ways I end up damaging them but dagnabit it won't be because they didn't have enough of their parents.

Even with all the hours that we log together I still feel I can never do our moments justice.  In the immortal words of Aerosmith: "I don't want to miss a thing...."

February's "Feast"...

Eve was baptized on February 15th

Nora is learning to read

and Eve is learning to eat
getting tickled by Daddy while Nora changes her diaper

This is what our days at home look like

they LOVE this baby
befriending a centipede

helping with yard work
We never know what form our play will take during our Monday nights with Mika and Granddad

going to see Cinderella the musical with Grammy and Aunt Alyssa

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