Friday, October 24, 2014

Introducing Baby Eve Nienna

We are so blessed to have another baby girl in our family.  Eve Nienna was born at 7:02pm on Thursday, October 9 after a super easy labor and delivery at Valley Birth Place.  She weighed 6lbs 14oz and was 19 inches long.

an hour after birth

She is such a sweet baby and her sisters all love her

On her first walk - 4 days old
1 Week Old
When we name our babies, we have tried to make each name a sort of blessing - an act of dedication from the start.  Our other girls are named in honor of our mothers and each of their full names have the similar meaning of "a light consecrated to God". Eve's full name means "living tear-gift". I'll explain the obscure choice of a middle name first.

Nienna is a fictional character in J.R.R. Tolkien's mythology. When I was terribly sick with first trimester nausea, Mark started reading to me from "The Simarillion".When he read the short passage about Nienna, I was struck by the description of her character:

"She dwells alone. She is acquainted with grief, and mourns for every wound that Arda [Earth] has suffered in the marring of Melkor [Satan]. So great was her sorrow, as the music unfolded, that her song turned to lamentation long before its end, and the sound of mourning was woven into the themes of the World before it began. But she does not weep for herself; and those who hearken to her learn pity, and endurance in hope. Her halls are west of West, upon the borders of the world; and she comes seldom to the city of Valimar where all is glad. She goes rather to the halls of Mandos, which are near to her own; and all those who wait in Mandos cry to her, for she brings strength to the spirit and turns sorrow to wisdom. " - The Simarillion, Chapter 2, "Valaquenta"

I wish for a life filled with joy for each of our girls.  But I know they will face many trials and hardships which will at times probably seem unbearable.  This description of Tolkien's character Nienna hit a nerve with me because I want to equip our daughters to face this life, both its joys and deep hurts, with courage and peace.  I want them to choose to seek out others who are lost and lonely and hurting - to stand in the dark spaces with them and to offer comfort and hope.

A few days after reading the passage about Nienna, I came across an article called "Comforting Eve". As soon as I finished reading it I knew what I wanted our baby's name to be. Here is the bulk of the article:

"Among the women we honor in the Bible, Eve is not considered often enough, either for the weight of her afflictions or for the means by which God comforts her. Eve's story is one of the most broken stories in the Bible. She comes into the world in innocence. Lovely and loveable, she is formed to bless and please the man from whose side she was taken. Yet she is left physically and spiritually unprotected in the garden by her husband, who then blames her for his faults. She experiences the most violent rupture of human history - the fall. Having once basked in the light of innocence, she now withdraws into the darkness of sin, shame, and loneliness. Eve is the beginning of a long line of broken-hearted women.

In the midst of this, God promises a climactic redemption. He promises that she will bear children, and that from her will come a son who will consummately destroy that dreaded, deceptive serpent. This son will obey all that was disobeyed. This son will succeed where Eve's husband failed, and will once and for all remove her earthly garments of shame and replace them with heavenly garments of righteousness. Eve looks forward to a climactic event of rescue, redemption, and reconciliation. She then conceives children in hope. What went through her mind as she bore Cain in her womb and bore hope in her heart?

Eve bears two sons, but neither is the son she was promised. In fact, one will kill the other. What woman could endure this? A failed husband, her own failures, and now in the dawning hours of hope, her older son murders the younger, and thereby prolongs her darkness. The enmity begins - two kingdoms, two cities, and the first visible death. Both in her lifetime, both from her womb. Is it too much to call Eve the mother of the broken-hearted?

What could possible comfort her and reunite her with her younger son? What could reverse the curse upon her family? What could turn these long nights of sadness into an eternal day of gladness? And for Eve's daughters and sons, what can truly comfort us when the dearest things in this life are taken?  When the sufferings of life seem to be more than we can endure? When this world, or our family, or perhaps even our spiritual family hurts us with wounds too deep for words?

It is here that we must admit that trite cliches of good intentions barely comfort us at all. Some wounds are simply too deep for earthly consolation. We must, by faith, join Eve and the choir of the broken-hearted, who often sing their songs of praise through a veil of tears. We must learn, with Eve, to long for the coming Son who is better than Adam and Abel, and to rest in His word of promise. He has come and is yet coming again, and through His Spirit we are assured of our eternal consolation.

But we must remember that even when He came into this world, it offered Him no bed of roses but rather a crown of thorns, and that we bear our crosses united to Him in a bond that cannot be broken. We must learn to find our truest comfort in the same place Christ did - in heaven. ...Wounds heal, but scars remain. Eve saw flowers and rainbows and even had other children, but she would never forget what she lost in this age or what she awaited in the age to come. ... What could truly comfort Eve - and us? ... It is the consummate coming of Christ and His glorious kingdom, and the foretaste of that kingdom that we have now through His Word and Spirit. " - from "Comforting Eve" by Eric B. Watkins, Tabletalk Magazine "The Millennium" December 2013

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

We're getting ready for homeschool year one

We have had a wonderful and busy couple of weeks.  Here is an update of our adventures:

We finally set up the awesome aerial yoga hammock that my mom bought us for Christmas...
All three kids can fit into this thing.  I even went out there one day this week and took a nap in it.  It's amazing and we love it.  Thanks, Mom!

We all went in for my ultrasound.  Everything looks good with the baby.  I have to go back in two weeks since they weren't able to get all of the pictures of the spine that they needed.  Baby didn't want to cooperate.  It also didn't reveal it's gender.  We'll see if it chooses to do so at the next appointment.  Lucy and Claire were not disappointed.  They had a great time with the waiting room chairs.
the world is a playground

We got a ton of yard work and other small house projects done.  And this is what happens when I give them paint and walk away, assuming Daddy is supervising....

We went to a homeschool day with a bunch of friends at Valley Forge Historic Park...


I made a mini family closet next to the washer and dryer...

This little area has changed my life.  All of the girls' clothes are down in the garage right next to the laundry room.  Thanks for the idea Duggars!

We organized "the library"...

See the little colored tabs at the bottom of most of the books?  Now they will stay ordered (ideally) since the kids can put them away and I will know where to go to find the books I need for homeschooling.  Orange for storybooks, green for science, pink for poetry, etc.
the reading nook
Since we are starting Year 1 of our homeschool on May 28, I've been gathering supplies together.  It's like Christmas around here!
Math-U-See Primer
Year1 of the Simply Charlotte Mason curriculum combines:
Bible - Genesis through Deuteronomy
History - Ancient Civilizations
Geography - Africa
Pre Handwriting Materials for Claire & Lucy
Charlotte Mason style reading lessons

Picture Study - Mary Cassatt
Nature Study and Gardening materials
 We went to the Philadelphia Zoo....
...but really, we probably should have stayed home and gone to a playground.  
Who cares about zoo animals when you can climb... least the petting zoo was fairly interesting to them...

 We went to a Memorial Day parade, a BBQ with friends and dinner with Mika and Granddad to celebrate the holiday:

We start school tomorrow.  I'll let you know how it goes.  <Deep breaths>

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Birthday Claire and Lucy!

Claire turned 3 at the end of April and Lucy had her 2nd birthday yesterday.  We've been able to have a bunch of birthday celebrations with our family in the last two weeks...
Claire's party with Nanny and Poppop at Hong Kong Pearl
Claire's party at Mika and Grandad's House

Lucy's Party with Nanny and Poppop...again at Hong Kong Pearl

Party at Grammy and Grampy's House

Our park in Langhorne was having a Pet Fair on Lucy's birthday so we spent the morning there.  It was a perfect event for the birthday girls to enjoy.  They got to pet a ton of dogs, see an exotic animal show and have free pony rides.

Claire is holding "Buttercup", an 18-foot python.  After I took this picture she gave him a big, long hug and the snake started to "snuggle" back.  Yikes!  She said "I love you Buttercup" as she was petting it goodbye.

At theCinco De Mayo Auction at our church

We have had a pretty eventful week with the chickens.  After not really doing much with them for the winter months, it was time to shovel out the coop.  We discovered a huge infestation of chicken lice.  I won't go into detail because it's too disgusting to think about.  But we had to tear down, disinfect and rebuild the coop.  Then we gave the chickens a spa treatment.  We have to repeat the whole thing next week to make sure everything is totally cleared up.  What a disaster.  Almost makes me regret getting them.  But then look at this egg!!  They're worth it.

haz-mat suit
Chicken Spa - A wash in warm water and Dawn dish detergent followed by a rinse in water and apple cider vinegar.  They are clean but now they all smell like stinky feet.

My lovely assistant - tenderly drying all 11 chickens
taking a break
Thanks for viewing!  Have a great week.