Tuesday, May 27, 2014

We're getting ready for homeschool year one

We have had a wonderful and busy couple of weeks.  Here is an update of our adventures:

We finally set up the awesome aerial yoga hammock that my mom bought us for Christmas...
All three kids can fit into this thing.  I even went out there one day this week and took a nap in it.  It's amazing and we love it.  Thanks, Mom!

We all went in for my ultrasound.  Everything looks good with the baby.  I have to go back in two weeks since they weren't able to get all of the pictures of the spine that they needed.  Baby didn't want to cooperate.  It also didn't reveal it's gender.  We'll see if it chooses to do so at the next appointment.  Lucy and Claire were not disappointed.  They had a great time with the waiting room chairs.
the world is a playground

We got a ton of yard work and other small house projects done.  And this is what happens when I give them paint and walk away, assuming Daddy is supervising....

We went to a homeschool day with a bunch of friends at Valley Forge Historic Park...


I made a mini family closet next to the washer and dryer...

This little area has changed my life.  All of the girls' clothes are down in the garage right next to the laundry room.  Thanks for the idea Duggars!

We organized "the library"...

See the little colored tabs at the bottom of most of the books?  Now they will stay ordered (ideally) since the kids can put them away and I will know where to go to find the books I need for homeschooling.  Orange for storybooks, green for science, pink for poetry, etc.
the reading nook
Since we are starting Year 1 of our homeschool on May 28, I've been gathering supplies together.  It's like Christmas around here!
Math-U-See Primer
Year1 of the Simply Charlotte Mason curriculum combines:
Bible - Genesis through Deuteronomy
History - Ancient Civilizations
Geography - Africa
Pre Handwriting Materials for Claire & Lucy
Charlotte Mason style reading lessons

Picture Study - Mary Cassatt
Nature Study and Gardening materials
 We went to the Philadelphia Zoo....
...but really, we probably should have stayed home and gone to a playground.  
Who cares about zoo animals when you can climb...
  ...at least the petting zoo was fairly interesting to them...

 We went to a Memorial Day parade, a BBQ with friends and dinner with Mika and Granddad to celebrate the holiday:

We start school tomorrow.  I'll let you know how it goes.  <Deep breaths>

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